Forums Flags on the 48 Information General Discussion The Mission Statement

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  • Frodo
      Post count: 338
      #46706 |

      As far as a mission statement goes, I don’t have a clue. Mary-Margaret had a great suggestion as to try and incorporate the line, “From every mountainside, let freedom ring”. I think that is a very profound line that says alot about what we are trying to do. I think that we should try to include that somehow into our statement.

        Post count: 397

        RJ had a great prototype going. How about posting it and any others here?

          Post count: 40

          I rewrote the original since some issues have been settled. The mission statement will not be settled in one draft, so please write your own and we can address all the issues we wish to include.

          “On September 11th, 2001 the consciousness of United States of America was inexorably altered by an unprovoked and unconscionable act of terrorism so far reaching in its scope, that our country will not soon heal from this wound so brutally inflicted upon us by a senseless act of barbarism. Thousands of innocent lives were lost in a fleeting moment as families only now try to piece together their shattered lives and return to some semblance of normalcy.

          We in the hiking community would like to honor those fallen heroes by flying the American flag atop of all four thousand foot and greater mountains in New Hampshire next September 14th, in conjunction with the observance of National Remembrance Day. In some small way, we hope our act of commemoration will bring some level of comfort to the families whose loss is beyond comprehension and whose sacrifice will never be forgotten.”

          [ This Message was edited by: RJ on 2001-10-02 08:39 ]

            Post count: 338

            Great job RJ! I like your mission statement. It is well written and concise. Just 2 minor things that I would like to suggest. I suggest changing inexorable to inexorably, and I would change “all the 4 thousand foot mountains” to “all the 4 thousand foot, or greater, mountains”. It seems a little misleading since their are (6) 5,000 footers and (1) 6,000 footer.

              Post count: 40

              You are correct about the inexorable vs. the inexorably. My proof reading totally missed that. I should never proof read my own stuff. Good catch. I will edit it with your recommendations.

                Post count: 2

                I haven’t really followed this, but I have one question. When you say raising the flag on these mountains, are you leaving the flags there, or raising them for a moment then bringing them back down with you.

                The reason I ask is when I was on Katahdin a week or so ago, I met up with a ranger who asked me how many flags were up there today. I hadn’t seen any and asked why. He said that every day since the WTC tragedy a ranger had to hike up and remove the many flags that had been left there. The day before there were about 20, one with a 12 foot pole, and a ranger had to climb up and carry them all down.

                Please don’t leave them behind and create a trash heap in the name of patriotism. LNT.

                  Post count: 40

                  The plan is to raise the flag for an hour or two and then to remove the flag. Trust me and the others, nothing will be left behind except memories.

                    Post count: 2

                    Thanks, I figured as much, but just wanted to check. I was kinda surprised about the flags being left on Katahdin.

                    Good luck!

                      Post count: 16

                      Should we have some brief explanation as to why/how we are connecting this event to the 48 peaks? Maybe something about hikers getting together to show a sign of unity? Or is it unnecessary to explain the significance of the 48? I guess I am mostly throwing this suggestion out there in response to all that nonsense on Hiker Journal a couple weeks ago.

                        Post count: 40

                        To be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure how we arrived at the decision to unfurl a flag on all 48 peaks. Also, we had such a flurry of activity the first couple of days, and now it seems that our enthusiasm has waned a bit. Are we still planning on doing this, or have other interests taken sway?

                          Post count: 10

                          I’m still in. I think it’s going to be hard to continue enthusiasm for something so far away, but we should stick to it.

                          and i think the mission statement is well on its way. a couple of words about hiker unity and how Americans come together for support would certainly be beneficial…I’m not sure i can come up with a good way to fit it in though…it’s hard to work things into a different person’s prose…we have time though…


                            Post count: 40

                            Feel free to add or edit.

                            “On September 11th, 2001 the consciousness of United States of America was inexorably altered by an unprovoked and unconscionable act of terrorism so far reaching in its scope, that our country will not soon heal from this wound so brutally inflicted upon us by a senseless act of barbarism. Thousands of innocent lives were lost in a fleeting moment as families only now try to piece together their shattered lives and return to some semblance of normalcy.

                            We in the hiking community would like to honor those fallen heroes by flying the American flag atop of all 48 four thousand foot and greater mountains in New Hampshire next September 14th, in conjunction with the observance of National Remembrance Day. By demonstrating our steadfast unity as Americans and as hikers, we hope to express our unwavering support to the families and to the communities whose losses are beyond our comprehension and whose sacrifices will forever remain in our hearts.”

                              Post count: 10

                              “On September 11th, 2001 the consciousness of United States of America was inexorably altered by an unprovoked and unconscionable act of terrorism so far reaching in its scope, that our country will not soon heal from this wound so brutally inflicted upon us by a senseless act of barbarism. Thousands of innocent lives were lost in a fleeting moment as families only now try to piece together their shattered lives and return to some semblance of normalcy.

                              We in the hiking community would like to honor those fallen heroes by flying the American flag atop of all 48 four thousand foot and greater mountains in New Hampshire next September 14th, in conjunction with the observance of National Remembrance Day. By demonstrating our steadfast unity as Americans and as hikers, we hope to express our unwavering support to the families and to the communities whose losses are beyond our comprehension and whose sacrifices will forever remain in our hearts.”

                              I think the first sentence is redundant..i would cut it after “wound”

                              also, i would say “unity as americans and as a hiking community…”

                              other than that, i think it’s great…


                                Post count: 40

                                3rd draft

                                “On September 11th, 2001 the consciousness of United States of America was inexorably altered by an unprovoked and unconscionable act of terrorism so far reaching in its scope, that our country will not soon heal from this devastating wound. Thousands of innocent lives were lost in a fleeting moment as families only now try to piece together their shattered lives and return to some semblance of normalcy.

                                We in the hiking community would like to honor those fallen heroes by flying the American flag atop of all 48 four thousand foot and greater mountains in New Hampshire next September 14th, in conjunction with the observance of National Remembrance Day. By demonstrating our steadfast unity as Americans and as a hiking community, we hope to express our unwavering support to the families and to the communities whose losses are beyond our comprehension and whose sacrifices will forever remain in our hearts.”

                                  Post count: 16

                                  I think it sounds great, and I really have nothing to add.

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