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  • Outtabreath
      Post count: 64
      #46930 |

      Jerry, Rance, Scott, Sylvia and John will be ascending Hale from Hale Brook Trail leaving at 8:30 AM. The first 4K for John and Sylvia.

        Post count: 303

        Hey, way cool!! 8)
        Congratulations for taking on your first 4000 footer Sylvia and John!!! We will have a first timer with us as well. 😀
        Your “Flags on the 48” neighbors on Mt Zealand wish you a safe, fun and totally memorable hike.

        dirt_girl and company !!!

          Post count: 64

          Waking up to a beautiful day, we made the short drive down Zealand RD to Hale Brook Trail. We made it to the peak in time to set up by Noon, even with the 130 pictures I took on the way up. I had to make sure I had enough pictures of the trail to show my brother who could not come due to a knee injury. We had about 20 visitors to the top and a few helped us put the flag up tall and proud. Many stayed longer than they normally would have. We received a lot of thank you’s, and Jenifer/June? (sorry if that’s not right, I was still outtabreath when we spoke) gave us a copy of all the verses of the Star Spangled Banner, and told us how MichaelJ sang last year. I’m sure had I tried to emmulate MichaelJ, I would have cleared the peak pretty quickly.
          There were a few moist eyes for sure, and the folding of the Flag was kind of surreal for me. All I could hear in my mind was “With the Respect and Gratitude of … “. Thanks for letting us participate, and we will be there again next year. Pictures should be posted tomorrow.

            Post count: 397

            Great job. We saw your display clearly from South Twin. The “friends lost” poster seemed to catch the sun from time to time and it lit up like a beacon from our vantage point. Awesome display!

              Post count: 64

              Thanks Greg, it was a fitting memorial. We could see South Twin very clearly, it was a great day.

                Post count: 35

                Outtabreath- it was a pleasure to meet you and the crew at Mooseland. Sylvia’s stories and memorial really put it all into perspective. I am so glad you all joined us and looking forward to meeting again next year.
                Jayne (Pierce)

                  Post count: 16

                  Outtabreath- It was a pleasure meeting you this weekend. It’s a pretty small world considering we had camp sites right across from each other. Glad to hear you had a good hike. I look forward to meeting up with you next year, if not sooner.

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