Forums 2005 Flags on the 48 2005 Planning Meeting 2005 Looking for Volunteers!

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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #46944 |

      Hello all,

      As I see some things slipping to the wayside this year, I see a definite need for a few people to commit to those tasks. I used to have some latitude as far as slipping some of this work in during the day, but things have clamped down at work, and (as ethics dictate anyhow) my time availibility has dropped significantly.

      Here are some potential areas that it would be great to see someone commit to taking a lead on next year. (Note some of these have been fulfilled by specific people this year, but only as a matter of ‘it had to be done’. I don’t want to assume that they will do it again next year, but they may want to…)

      Publicity: Responsibilities include contacting media outlets and other hiking boards and resources to spread the word of the event. This includes 2 PR blitzs, one at the beginning of signups, the other no less than 2 weeks before the actual event.

      Communication: Major responsibility is to communicate the logistics to the hiking teams. This can be done via an info packet mailing.

      Post-Event Gathering Lead: Responsibilities include researching potential party sites, and becoming primary contact with chosen site to make arrangements for the party. Also must track attendance to give reasonable estimate to site.

      Peak Coordinators: Volunteers who support a given group of peaks to ensure communication and vision is expressed. This group will help to ensure full coverage and help prevent last minute cancellations and uncovered peaks by being in regular contact with the peak teams.

      On-Call: A small group of volunteers willing to not register for a specific peak. These stand-by folks will cover any last-minute cancellations or unclaimed peaks, should there be any.


        Post count: 839

        I imagine some of this will be hashed out at the planning meeting, like what the Peak Coordinator positions will do (or if we even still need them, given the notion of the person responsible for a given peak vs. the other participants).

        I will say that after 3 years of choosing my peak I plan to go on-call this year. Especially if we have a Saturday evening get-together, it should be easy to discuss and decide where on-call’s should hike the next morning.

        But not West Bond again, please!

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