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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #46967 |

      Pierce team has confirmed via e-mail.

        Post count: 839

        Hopefully they’ll post a trip report, but in the meanwhile, check out the flag pole! Wow!!!

          Post count: 35

          After meeting up with the Jackson crew at Saco Lake at 8:45, we got on the Crawford path at 9:30…(an anonymous person was late). The flag bearers and pole carriers headed to the front of the line to be sure to have the flags flying by noon. Rick and Bob headed over to Jackson at the Mizpah cutoff, while Mark and myself continued up Crawford path to Pierce.
          Rick constructed some nice poles that fit inside of each other to give us a 20′ pole! It went together in a snap and we had our flag flying by 11:45. Cheryl came shortly after with lunch- thank God!
          We could see Eisenhower clearly without binoculars, Isolation, Monroe, and Jackson (if you went about 150′ down the trail).
          We had several people that stayed for almost the entire time. We had about 100 visitors,including a 50th birthday group w/about 25 participants, but who was counting. All of them good reactions and very thankful for what we were doing.
          We had a group of Canadiens that even helped us tie off the flagpole. They commemorated us on remembering the lives that were lost on 9-11. We were enjoying the day so much, we forgot to take the flag down. A hiker came over and told us it was 2:15 and shouldn’t we take it down. So, we reluctantly did – the day was so nice we hated to leave. Looking forward to next year. ~ Jayne

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