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  • MITOCmike
      Post count: 7
      #47334 |

      We’ve got a good crew from the MIT Outing Club heading up to Bondcliff to fly the flag there this year. The route and timing are TBD at this point, but I imagine we might start out from Lincoln Woods on Friday night, camp at Franconia Brook, and head up to Bondcliff on Saturday morning. I’ll post details in this thread once they are decided.

        Post count: 7

        We’re going to try to drive up Friday night and stay at either Camelot or the Hancock Campground. The plan is to congregate at Lincoln Woods around 6am and head out by 7 at the latest. We’ll do Lincoln Woods > Wilderness > Bondcliff.

        In case you haven’t been on these trails before, I’d highly recommend starting in a pair of sneakers for the first 5ish miles and carrying boots to switch into for the ascent.

        Email me if you have any questions: kokkom {/at/} mit {/dot/} edu

          Post count: 1307

          Welcome MITOCmike!

          Hope you guys have a great trip!

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