Forums 2012 Flags on the 48 2012 Trip Reports Whiteface

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  • Donna
      Post count: 14
      #48135 |

      We had a great time in the rainy woods on Whiteface!

      TeamG4ks, including 10 year-old Megan, humped a ginormous American flag, (donated by Seabrook Station), up to the peak, where it flew high. Fueled by a breakfast put on by the Shawns, everyone made it to the peak by noontime to see them fly their “Flag of Honor,” a flag inscribed with the names of those who died on 9-11, as well as a POW/MIA flag. Folks from R.S. Audley, Inc. joined us, and I had the pleasure of hiking up with veteran Michael McCarthy.

      The leaf-cover in the woods made this hike more tolerable, as the leaves kept us dry, save for the humidity! Everyone made it safely up the ledges, which weren’t too slicked up by the rain.

      We became very excited when we heard a helicopter swoop nearby. But alas, the blowing fog obscured our view for most of the time we were on the peak. Many people headed over to Passaconaway to complete a loop hike that included both peaks for their descent. All in all, it was a great day on Whiteface. Thanks to everyone who participated!

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