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  • SilentCal
      Post count: 1307
      #66042 |

      Frequently Asked Questions: Signups

      1. When and where are the signups?

      Answer: Monday, August 7th at 6:00pm. is where the signups are located. You do need to be registered on the site.

      2. I am a first timer for the event. What do you recommend for me?

      Answer: I usually would like to see first timers for the event travel with another group first and pick up some pointers in terms of flagpole design, how to rig a flagpole in terms of varying winds, and just general logistics. It took me several years of trial and error to get it right.

      3. I signed up and am labeled as the Peak Coordinator. What does that mean exactly?

      Answer: Basically, you are the team leader and are responsible for making sure the flag is flown. We ask that all coordinators please post their plans on the Flags website under the Trips and Routes folder. All this means is you post your peak, the trail you plan on taking and your meet up time. Should you need help to bring up supplies, you can post there as well.

      4. How big do the Flags need to be?

      Answer : Flags can be any size. I use a nylon 4×6 nylon flag. They tend to last longer and are not as heavy when the get wet, unlike cloth flags.

      5. I have a group of people to signup. Do I sign them up individually or as a group.

      Answer: You can do either but I’d prefer that you sign up as a group. I have about ten people in my group and our signup is under a group name. For example. Team Silentcal, Westford Fire Crew, Boy Scout Troop 672, chicken legs hikers, Names like that.

      6. What is the best way to communicate with other members that sign up for my peak?

      Answer: Several ways. You can post in the Trips and Routes folder on the Flags website. You can post on the Flags Facebook page. Also there is a chat room in Messenger as well.

      7. What is the bad weather policy for the event?

      Answer: There is no rain date. The people that we are honoring did not get a choice on how their day would be so neither will we. I will not ask people to hike in weather they do not feel safe in. The weather in the Whites can be very fierce. If you feel safe by just flying a flag at the trailhead that’s okay.

        Post count: 2

        The website registration and reset password features do not appear to be working. WordPress says the site is misconfigured. Fortunately, I was able to meditate for a few minutes and re-guess my old credentials from a couple of years ago. Others may not be so lucky,

          Post count: 2

          Will there be a trip and route section for 2023 or are we relying on team email connections to provide trip and route info to team members?

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