Forums 2004 FOT48 Information Archive 2004 Signups & Status Allow multiple sign-ups? (2002)

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  • Greg
      Post count: 397
      #46724 |

      Want to get a discussion going on this. Should we allow multiple groups to sign up for the same peak? I can start a poll. The way I see it there are three answers to this:

      1 – Yes. Definitely
      2 – Yes. But only after all the peaks have been assigned
      3 – No. First come. First Served.


        Post count: 40

        Given we need as many people as possible to make this event a success, we might not want to restrict which mountain one can climb. If we still have a number of mountains unassigned one week before the schedule event, we can always ask people to change their choice of mountain.

        Keep in mind, not everyone who will ultimately participate will go through the assignment process. As word gets out, people might just hike up a particular mountain just out of curiosity.

          Post count: 338

          I agree with RJ. We should not try and limit the amount of supporters. Most likely 10-20% of the people who sign up will not be able to make it. If anything, we should encourage other people to sign up for a peak already supported. The more people involved, the more likely we will have flags flying on all the peaks.

            Post count: 397

            Okay. My only concern is that by accepting multiple sign-ups from the get-go, not every peak will be supported and there will be multiple supporters on the more popular peaks. Is it reasonable to not accept multiple sign-ups until all peaks are taken? Is it worthwhile to run a poll on this issue?

              Post count: 397

              @Greg wrote:

              The way I see it there are three answers to this:

              1 – Yes. Definitely
              2 – Yes. But only after all the peaks have been assigned
              3 – No. First come. First Served.

              Actually, in retrospect, #1 and #2 are the only answers. We certainly can’t, and wouldn’t want to disallow multiple supporters. I suppose all we can do is encourage folks to sign up for different peaks. How do we proceed?

                Post count: 40

                Under the Q&A section dealing with multiple peaks we can simply say that although there isn’t any restriction on how many people can sign up for a given peak, we encourage all participates to choose a mountain that hasn’t been represented so that ALL 48 peaks will be flying a flag on the 14th.

                I have noticed as I assign a name to a mountain, when the last person to sign up for that particular mountain sees that there are other participants, they usually e-mail me back to change their choice of mountains.

                  Post count: 338

                  Another option is to just let the sign ups continue as is, and see how things evolve. People have and will keep changing their choices over the next several weeks. When we get into Sept, we can see how things look and if we need to we can start looking at ways to fill the unsupported peaks (by the way, in less than 48 hours we covered 1/2 the peaks, so this might not even be a problem). If we do have some unsupported peaks, we could ask multiple signups if they are willing to move, or another option is to see if some groups can suppport multiple peaks. Several peaks are very close together (Bond W. Bond, Tripyramids, Osceola’s), but we just launched 2 days ago, and I vote that we just sit back and let things evolve.

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