Hello Everyone,
This years bondcliff group will be hiking in from the Lincoln woods side and up bondcliff trail. Some of the group will be hiking in friday morning to the bondcliff trail junction at lincoln woods trail. From there we will me up and carry supplies to the top! We plan on meeting at this junction between 8 and 9 am Saturday to begin our hike with supplies. The group that has Friday off to leave will carry all the supplies to that junction (5 miles in) then will wait for the remaining members to disperse weight and hike. The group has all hiked this event at north kinsman last year with the exception of one hiker “brownshirt” witch we excitedly welcome on this journey to the top. Please feel free to reach out anytime!
Cheers everyone!
I originally signed up for Bondcliff. I had thought my team was doing Bondcliff this year. They signed up for Mt. Bond. I switched over to Mt. Bond and now there is a open spot if you need for another person in your group. Thank you for including me.