We’ll start at 7 AM on the York Pond Trail. The trailhead is near the west end of York Pond Road (off 110) 2.1 mi past the fish hatchery gate. Trail leaves on left at a gate.
York Pond Trail (0.2 mi) to
Bunnell Notch Trail (2.9 mi)to
Kilkenny Ridge Trail (1.7 mi) to
Mount Cabot summit (4170′)
Total distance: 9.6 miles RT (4.8 each way)
Scott (Raven) and Dan will split the following:
3′ x 5′ Flag
2-10′ sections 2″ PVC pipe fit with eye bolts
3′ lgt steel pipe for reinforcement (to connect inside PVC tubes w/bolts)
small carabiners
etc as necessary
We’ll leave early to allow time for flag set up on an open area on summit (south of true summit – north of Cabot Cabin)