
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Author
  • cathycrane
      Post count: 39
      #61418 |

      Looing forward to a beautiful day on Cannon Mt. honoring and remembering 9/11. We will meet at 8:00 at the Kinsman Ridge Trail Parking lot, next to the Tram parking lot. Some people will hike, some will take the tram. Please join us with pictures, flags and memories. We will have a small ceremony at about 12:00. Everyone will have an opportunity to contribute to this special day. About 3:00 we will have a picnic in the parking lot, please join us to remember the day and cherish the memories. We wish everyone a safe and memorable hike.

      2016 Cannon
      2015 Eisenhower
      2014 Cannon
      2013 Cannon
      2012 Cannon
      2011 Flume
      2010 Liberty
      2009 Wildcat D
      2008 Liberty
      2oo7 Whiteface
      2006 Liberty
      2005 Madison
      2004 Monroe

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by cathycrane.
        Post count: 3

        Are dogs allowed to hike with us at this event?

          Post count: 39


          I really don’t know the answer to this question. You are hiking in Franconia State Park, different then the White Mt. National Forest. Maybe check with them . Hope to see you on Sat.


            Post count: 3

            Do you mind if I bring my dog. She always hikes with me. But I would leave her home if you were opposed to pets at this event. Also, should I bring something to share for the barbecue?

              Post count: 39

              Love dogs.not a problem. I think there will be at least one other dog, a black lab. Love to have you join us for the barbecue and it would be great to bring anything that worked for you. We will have it in the parking lot near the trail head.

                Post count: 39

                Adjusted hike time.

                Meet at the trailhead at 8:30. Hiking by 9:00.

                  Post count: 3

                  Good morning Cathy,
                  Thank you again for organizing and including us on Flags on the 48. As I mentioned, I would like to write a story about your family, your charity in memory of your son and your story about Flags on the 48. My # is 603 370-0700. My email is lifebylin@comcast.net.

                  Lin Huelle

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