Forums Flags on the 48 Journal 9/11 Journal E-mail comment

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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #46891 |

      Received via e-mail… I’ve decided to share since I shouldn’t be the only one to “enjoy” the “feedback”…

      Although I think your idea is commendable, it smacks of good old
      ‘American’ arrogance. You state that thousands of ‘innocent’ people
      were killed in an ‘unprovoked’ attack. What makes a person innocent and
      is it ok to kill a ‘guilty’ person? My country’s government has been
      provoking since 1776. There is no condoning of violence of any kind.
      Our country’s goverment illegally invaded–unprovoked–another country
      and has caused the death of 10’s of thousands of ‘innocent’ people
      (remember ‘shock and awe’?) and destroyed their infrastructure. There
      were people from over 80 countries killed in the attacks on September
      11th–and I knew one of them. Why American flags?

      You are deceiving yourself if you think we are united as a country’s
      people. We are so very divided on issues of peace and war and
      terrorism. Aren’t we terrorists as well? Why not hike the 48 carrying
      flags of all countries out of respect for our civilization?
      Unfortunately, if you read the bulletin boards on AMC’s web page, you
      will see that we are definitely not united as hikers. Take a look at
      ‘women hiking alone’. Why make claims that are not true? It would be
      nice if we were united, but face it, we are not.

      My ‘signature’ on the bulletin is {{{removed to preserve anonimity}}} May I suggest you read the lyrics
      to John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’……….you may say that I’m a dreamer, but
      I know I’m not the only one……..

      I did not comment about this Flags on the 48 on the bulletin board
      because I don’t think it would be appropriate…..

      I hope you all have a wonderful clear sunny day, a safe trip and a good
      feeling in your hearts…….

        Post count: 69

        The one response that comes to mind we will share is:

        I seem to recall in past years the statement that we welcome flags of all countries be flown as part of this Memrial Hike. Perhaps the author would like to participate on a peak with the flag(s) of his/her choice.

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