North Kinsman Team
Desi, Cathy, Greg, JustJoe, Becky, Kathy, Matt & Mark
Ready to head out on the Lomesome Lake trail at 8:00am.

Early morning on Lomesome Lake.

We moved along at a steady pace and arrived at the summit around 11:00am. Spread out the gear and had Old Glory and the 911 flag flying by 11:30. Great team work. 😀

Shortly after noon we were treated to a fly by, by the SAR helicopter. They seemed to be systematically flying by all the 48 4K’s to check out the flags. Pretty cool.:D

We could only see a half dozen flags or so with binoculars. I was hoping to be able to see the huge flag SilentCal had on Cannon but it was nit facing us. Could see his regular flag though.:)

We had quite a few visitors throughout the day. I set up a log for people to sign and had 3 dozen but I think there were some that did not sign. And almost everyone said thank-you. At around 1:45 we had the most at one time. Kathy counted 29. 😯

Had some visitors I already knew and was able to put some faces to some more Hike-NH faces. Nice meeting you all. This was a great day and I think we all, (all peaks), did a great job remembering all souls lost on this day 10 years ago.

We finished the day with a nice walk around Lomesome Lake. And I myself, as years before was proud of what I had done and thankful I was able to do it. Thanks-you N.Kinsman team, who helped me pull this off this year.:)