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  • JustJoe
      Post count: 46
      #48330 |

      Another year in the books. Many thanks to my team mates, Matt and Mark for a job well done. We made the boring 5 mile trek to Galehead and had old glory flying by 11:30. We could see North Twins flag with the naked eye and Flume and Liberty’s with the camera zoom. We had about 12 visitors throughout the day. We managed to stay out of the clouds all day but it was Galehead, didn’t matter. 😉 We took the flag done at 2 and did the last mile in a pretty steady rain. But as always, we were left with a great sense of pride for having once again payed tribute to the innocent and hero’s who senselessly lost there lives on September 11, 2001.


      Dick B.
        Post count: 34

        Great job Team Galehead…We saw your flag flying over the tree tops from Garfield

        :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag:

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