Forums 2006 Flags on the 48 2006 Planning Meeting Hiking Plans

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  • Jaytrek57
      Post count: 263
      #47295 |

      Anyone have any yet?

      I would like to hit the trails pretty early on Saturday and I am up for almost anything.

      Sunday as well.


      BTW…Cal I never answered your question. Sam Adams. :beer:

        Post count: 884

        Possibly Lincoln, but it will depend on the weather.

          Post count: 1307

          Depends on just how much rain we get over the next few days. This may come down to a Friday night figure out. I may redline the Flume Slide trail and either come down Liberty Springs or Falling Waters. I may take it easy and go up Osceola from Tripoli Road. Cathie will not wish to go up the Flume slide if it’s very slick. Osceola has no stream crossings so that may be an option.

          Sunday, I believe I am doing the Tripyramids from Livermore Road. Again weather will dictate whether I go the Slides or the Scaur Trail.

          Sam Adams it is. :beer:

            Post count: 372

            Saturday, depending on the weather, I’m either going up Osceola from Tripoli or something else on the light side.

            Sunday a group of us are hiking the Tri’s, most of the group will go up Scaur Ridge Trail. 12.1 miles, 3000′ elevation gain and a book time of 7:30. Btw, plenty of hard pack and ice left above 3800′ or so.

            If it pours all weekend, I’ll still enjoy some chess, cards, and conversation!

            Oh, and make mine Long Trail. Good ‘n you?!

              Post count: 839

              Una_dogger and I will be on the Osceola hike Saturday. I’m hoping with the openness up there that even up high we won’t see much ice or snow. I’m certain the ledges will be bare, the rock faces are always the first to go. I don’t plan to bring winter footwear. 🙂

              No hiking Sunday, though. Need to get back to Mass.

                Post count: 372

                MJ, unless the rain these past days melt the remaining snow pack/ice, you’ll still see plenty of it left between the col to East O. I’ve been hiking a lot everywhere above 3500′ and just Sunday hiked the Tom/Field/Willey tranverse, I’ve seen 2′ left on the shaded trails. Add extra time for postholing too!

                  Post count: 372

                  Remember the conditions we encountered past the tent platforms on Garfield a year ago. Same thing this weekend.

                    Post count: 839


                    I’m *still* not unpacking the winter footwear.

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