Hey Jackson Crew,
As always, looking forward to sharing this memorial with all of you and meeting new faces. Current plan is to meet at or near Webster-Jackson trail head at the top of the notch (302) at or just before 8:00 on the 14th. I will have one of my two pole setups there as determined by the predicted wx for that day. Pray for favorable conditions and moderate wind to keep flag proudly aloft. The flag I have was flying over Pease ANG Base before and after 9/11, but other flags that are appropriate can also be recognized. Lastly, goes without saying, but prepare for a safe hike in the Whites, have experienced huge changes in wx and want to make this time memorable and enjoyable regardless of what mother nature supplies. Not expecting to make changes to this plan, but please take a last chance look at site for updates a week out from hike. If you need to contact me direct, text me – (603) 312-0529 or through website.
Again, thx for your commitment to this worthy memorial,
This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Scooter.