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  • steveR
      Post count: 18
      #64025 |

      The current plan is to leave the parking area at the end of Zealand Road at 5am and ascend via the Zealand Trail, Twinway, and Bondcliff Trail. This should allow us to summit by 11am with time for a leisurely set-up. I expect most will want to tag Zealand and West Bond on the way by as well. We have a proven flag and pole rig that can be divided between interested team members. After the 2pm disassembly we plan to continue over Bondcliff and exit hike to Lincoln Woods.

      I realize this is a conservative timetable for the approach, but when I hear from those team members I don’t yet know, we can plan based on fitness and experience levels and perhaps tweak the schedule.

      Please chime in with your input, questions, and ideas. Looking forward to another fabulous and fun Flags, and meeting you all!

      Steve & Holly

        Post count: 5

        Hi Steve and Holly,
        Cliff, Kirby, Peter, Karl, Zethan and Eric will be joining you.
        Cliff has been doing flags since 2003 and this will be his 3rd time on Bond the rest of us have up to 8 including isolation twice.
        Some of us will be in early due to the logjam at Guyot tentsite (shelter is closed) send me an email and I will connect you to the rest of our motley crew

          Post count: 18

          Hi Bugleboy,
          Thanks for checking in. We’re looking forward to meeting everybody for this years Flags.
          There will be others joining us who are coming from both the north and the southern routes. I just need to know if any of your gang wants to hike in with us on the morning of the event. Please direct them to this page if they are interested. Does your post indicate that some of you will staying at Guyot before or after?
          In the past it has only taken about 5 hours to reach Bond (including side trips) from the Zealand side so maybe we can be flexible with the start time if everyone agrees.

          Let me know who wants to meet up at the trailhead and we’ll plan from there.

          Thanks, Steve

            Post count: 5

            Hello Bugleboy and SteveR,
            this is Brownshirt. I was able to switch peaks and sign up on Mt. Bond. I will be hiking in early on Friday morning from Lincoln Woods trailhead. Hope see you all there.

              Post count: 18

              Hello Brownshirt,

              Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday!
              We’ll be coming in from the north that morning and are shooting for a 11:00am ish arrival after stops at Zealand and W Bond.
              Now is the time to appeal to the weather gods!!


              • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by steveR.
                Post count: 1307

                Hi guys,

                Would it be possible for you guys to check on West Bond for a flag? There is only one person going there. Does not need to be huge, But a small flag with a picture on West Bond is all we need.


                  Post count: 1307

                  Hi guys,

                  Would it be possible for you guys to check on West Bond for a flag? There is only one person going there. Does not need to be huge, But a small flag with a picture on West Bond is all we need.


                    Post count: 18

                    Hi Jim,
                    No problem. We’ll check on the way by and take care of it if needed.


                      Post count: 5

                      Jim/Steve we have a pole set that we didnt need to bring along as Steve and his crew have it covered for Mt.Bond. we will have plenty of large flags with us but if you think we need a second pole we could bring one up? Thoughts?
                      Peter (bugleboy)
                      508 274 7754

                        Post count: 1307

                        Thanks Mt Bond crew, One less headache for me.

                          Post count: 18

                          Hello Bugleboy,
                          If you have another rig that you’re willing to bring, I say why not. And we will have a spare flag with us as well.
                          I also considered just procuring a makeshift pole from the blowdowns on the W Bond spur….your call. Between us, we can certainly cover the peak if need be.

                          Bearing in mind that the guy that signed for that peak may well have it covered…

                          Peter, I tried your phone number but didn’t get through. Feel free to try me at 603 494 0918


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