Forums Flags on the 48 Information General Discussion New poll: 2005 Flags on the 48

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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #47038 |

      Please indicate your preference. For background on these choices, please refer to this thread.


        Post count: 69

        You might want to also do a private poll of the people who signed up for the 48 peaks this year via email. From looking at past polls it appears that a minority actually vote in the poll. Perhaps the majority doesn’t check this site very often and when they do they have hundreds of post to read through, so some important threads are not read. Would hate to see 15 people make a decission that the majority will not support.

          Post count: 372

          I agree with Bob — most readers do not vote or see most of this dialog.

          Yet this is our big chance to take advantage of an opportunity of a lifetime, having a 2 day event to
          support our cause, exactly the reason this site was created, regardless of which day you are able to hike, to fly our flags on the 48!

            Post count: 84

            from the larger group that participated this year (2004) compared to last year (2003) you could probably easily pull it off for both days, you have built up such momentum here i’m sure many will hike 2 days, (i will) – i would like to participate saturday 2005 with flags on the 48 and sunday 9/11 go to n.y.’s highpoint and fly a flag – hope it works out so that i can do both next year (2005), like i did last year (2003).

              Post count: 43

              I’m willing to hike either Saturday or Sunday, rain or shine. I’d even hike during the week to take part in this event if it came down to that.

              In my opinion I believe this should be kept as a 1 day event. Holding the event over 2 days may lessen its impact. We raise the flag to honor those that were lost, remember that terrible day 3 years ago, and remind the world that Americans are united in the struggle against evil and tyranny. Besides, other commeration days are only observed one day a year, such as Veterans day, Memorial day, Labor day, etc.

                Post count: 26

                For some reason for me I think that we are making too many little decisions for such a simple event and thus making it over complex. I’m for keeping it simple, hell we could simplify it to just posting this as an event in the “events” area of Darren or Greg’s site. One day, as close to the 11th as posible, up-down-remember, maybe a brew with some buds after and call it a day. Is that, that difficult to pull off here?

                  Post count: 45

                  @LOMU wrote:

                  I’m for keeping it simple, hell we could simplify it to just posting this as an event in the “events” area of Darren or Greg’s site.

                  I tend to agree here. If we’re not careful, this has the potential to turn into a micro-managed, over coordinated event that might turn people away. I had this feeling when Stephen came out with the organization chart in a previous thread. While it is nice to have every peak covered, I don’t want this to feel like another day at work.

                  That being said, I would like to commend Stephen, Cal, MichaelJ, Greg, and Mt.Magic (sorry if I missed anyone else) for all of their efforts this year. Since it was so successful, I think we should serve up more of the same. Maybe a few tweaks to the sign-up process, but keep everything simple for next year: One day event on Sunday. I think we have enough of a following to get every peak covered.


                    Post count: 263

                    Just my $.02.

                    I think things are pretty simple now and I agree…I like that.

                    I do however enjoy discussing/debating other ideas on this BBS throughout the year. A point could be made that we had full coverage for the first time b/c of this.

                    Anyhow…if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…but it never hurts to take steps to make sure it doesn’t break in the first place.


                      Post count: 14

                      I agree lets keep this simple it’s great
                      to have all the peaks represented on one day.
                      I feel if we make this a two day event things might get complicated but that’s just me I know alot more people learned about this event this year four people that visted Isolation that day took down the web site
                      we had extra summit signs and people took them. The flags of the 48 is even talked about in Steven Smiths new book Wandering Through the White Mountains page 268.

                        Post count: 32

                        I agree with those who agree we should keep it a 1 day event. 😀 :flag:

                          Post count: 54

                          and yet .02 more cents.
                          I tend to agree with Tenpeaks and in general everyone else, but would like to ellaborate.
                          The events of September 11 are still fresh in all our minds and for some it’s more painful and hard hitting than others. But this tragedy occurred on September 11, not September 10, nor September 12. While I like the idea of a 2 day event, that’s only my hiker mentality and not the true purpose behind the reason for this hike. Too many times our Holidays lose their focus. Memorial Day has become a 3-day weekend to “start summer” and remind us to check the propane tank for the grill. Labor Day has become another 3-day weekend to close the pool and have the final bar-b-que.
                          September 11 needs to be given the same reverance as similar historical events like Pearl Harbor Day. While a lot of us may not have been alive when this event occured, we all solemnly know that it was December 7, 1941 not December 6 or 8, and it is a day of rememberance and reflection.
                          Instead of polling the hikers, why not ask the families and friends of those effected 3 years ago what day they feel this event should be held.
                          I’m just trying to be honest and to focus on the reality of why we did this. For the first time it wasn’t about crossing a 4000 footer off my list. We all have plenty of time to put in a vacation request.
                          Keep it a simple rememberance of the day and do it as your own personal tribute no matter what day of the week it may fall. It should always be September 11.

                            Post count: 19

                            I think it is more significant if it is only a one day event. Despite the fact that it would be more challenging for most people, I think that whatever day Sept 11th falls on would be best and carry the most meaning. If this doesnt work for folks than the nearest Sat (something consistent) would be my second choice.

                              Post count: 32

                              another .02 cents worth, it’s tax deductible isn’t it?

                              I vote for the way it’s been, the first Saturday on or after September, 11th. :flag:

                              If it’s done on a weekday, not only do you risk not getting flags on all 48 peaks, but the visitor turnout will be much less.

                              Not all of us can take vacations whenever we please.

                                Post count: 4

                                My friends and I have been involved in this for three years now–at least the hiking up a mountain part. If this were moved to Sunday we could not participate and I would hate to see that happen. My friend is a pastor and I am a youth director. Obviously you can see our quandry. As for during the week I teach school so that is really not possible. Why mess with what has worked so well so far?

                                  Post count: 1307

                                  This could be a real quandary amongst all involved. But I do think that need as many votes and opinions as possible. Let this poll run for awhile. I’d rather just see a one-day event done up really well rather than a two day event that might not get full coverage both days. In the hiking community, I believe that we now have enough folks to sustain the momentum we had this year and really help this event in the future. I’ll have more on this subject in a couple days….

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