Forums Flags on the 48 Journal 9/11 Journal Other flags

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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #46961 |

      @A Visitor via E-mail wrote:

      n light of the fact that we are not alone – that children and other innocents are victim to terrorism throughout the world – and were long before the US “discovered” terrorism …
      perhaps a flag of the world would be more fitting, less jingoistic, less “Bush” …

        Post count: 759

        Thank you for your comments.

        As I’m sure you realize by looking through our site, we are very supportive of other flags being flown .

        However, since this was an attack on the United States, since the target was unquestionably this country and all it stands for, our focus is on flying the American flag.

        This is no more “Bush” than it is Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Reagan, Nixon, Dunhom or Blasko. It is all of them equally.


          Post count: 97

          I agree with Stephen. I don’t know if the target was everything we stand for, but it was definitely the USA. People from many nations were killed, but the USA took the main hit.

          This isn’t a pro or anti-war event. We’ve got Bush backers, Kerry backers, Nader backers and people who don’t fall into either of these countries.

          You don’t have to approve or dissaprove of any particular domestic or foreign policy to love this country. You don’t have to support the war in Iraq, or even the invasion of Afghanistan to hike and fly the flag.
          I’ll be glad to raise a mug with you at Mooseland regardless of which peak you stood on, or where you stand on these issues.

          :beer: :flag:

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