Forums 2004 FOT48 Information Archive 2004 Post-Event Gathering Potential Ski Area Locations

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  • Greg
      Post count: 397

      So I heard from BW. She indicated there’s not much that can be done at the ski area proper as it’s basically shut down at that time of year. However, one option is Stickney’s Restaurant in the Hotel with a BBQ at $29.50++ per person. They would need a guaranteed number at least 30 days prior to 9/11.

      Another option mentioned was the Highland Center: 603-278-4453. The Group Sales Manager is Eric Jackel – extension 2003.

      Please let me know if you think I should pursue any of the ski area options further.

        Post count: 372

        I have a feeling we’ll attend one of the two places we went to previously. I did’t expect these ski area prices to be as competative as Woodstock Inn or the Mooseland.

        Any other thoughts?!

          Post count: 839

          It’s seeming like the ski area option (in other words, a hall or facility) would require a lot of up-front commitment on our behalf, especially financial. We could end up with a situation where person “x” isn’t eating therefore doesn’t want to put in an equal share, and possibly ultimately lose money. Or difficulty collecting. Or just having the pleasure of the get-together overshadowed by the finances of it.

          At first, I thought it might be our grail; however, I now think it probably doesn’t fit our “distributed” event as well.

            Post count: 45

            I agree with Michael. The “impromtu” nature of the after-party has a certain, unrehearsed charm about it that you don’t get with function rooms and catering.

            Now the highland center might be an option if they donate the room toward our cause and gives us a cut rate on the food…. (-Pinch-) Yep, I was dreaming. I forgot which organization I was talking about. 😉

              Post count: 1307

              Mooseland Grill sounds more appealing right now. We would certainly have to let them know ahead of time. Due to the amount of people that have signed up, we could be in for a HUGE post-trip gathering. A cool photo could be all the flagbearers gathered together with poles and flags in the parking lot. either way lots of :beer: :flag: :beer: :flag: :beer: :flag:

                Post count: 397

                Is it safe to assume that we are going to consider other options besides the offerings from Attitash, Bretton Woods, and Loon? I’d like to follow-up with these folks as a courtesy.

                  Post count: 759

                  @Greg wrote:

                  Is it safe to assume that we are going to consider other options besides the offerings from Attitash, Bretton Woods, and Loon? I’d like to follow-up with these folks as a courtesy.

                  Looks like we leaning towards something more open, so, yes, I think we can take these options off the table.


                    Post count: 1307

                    A follow up is a good idea. Who knows if this event really catches on, they might be the ones hunting us down for some free publicity in the coming years….

                      Post count: 372

                      they might be the ones hunting us down for some free publicity in the coming years….

                      Well said Cal, it sure could happen that way!!

                        Post count: 397

                        I notified the three ski area reps that we will explore other options. They were all appreciative of our consideration. Good karma.

                          Post count: 35

                          I am going to look into Cannon, I might have a little pull because of the ski club.

                            Post count: 35

                            I finally heard back from the mountain manager and food manager and they are already booked for Sept 11, but otherwise would have helped us out. Oh well, see you at Mooseland.

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