Forums Flags on the 48 Information General Discussion Should we have a rain date?

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  • SilentCal
      Post count: 1307
      #47081 |

      Should we have a rain date? Who knows with Mother Nature. She has been kind to us in the past but should a hurricane or lightining storm threaten, I would not like see someone injured or worse.

        Post count: 263

        Wow. 😥

        Talk about missing a “big” one (logistically)…at least to discuss.Maybe I overlooked a thread.

        With it being on a Sunday this year, I totally overlooked the “rain-out”, well, severe weather factor.

        I would throw out the idea that if severe weather is forcasted for that day, that perhaps the time frame of 12-2pm be shifted to something like “raise a flag” for whatever time period fits? Did that make sense?

        Interested to hear the response and suggestions.

        Good catch Cal.


          Post count: 54

          well at least for me the only thing that would keep me off the summit is an electrical storm.

            Post count: 759

            FYI here’s the current FAQ on rain:

            @Q&A wrote:

            What if it rains?
            The event will go on rain or shine. Each person is responsible to make their own decision on whether or not to hike. If the weather is bad, and you have second thoughts, definitely cancel. Remember, these are the mountains and the weather can kill. In case of severe weather (i.e. hurricane, snowstorm, etc.), the event will be postponed or canceled.

              Post count: 1307

              Perhaps it would be a good idea to have everyone participating to check the site say at 6:00 p.m. Friday night. We can have a stoplight on the cover page with a Green for GO, a yellow light for use caution and a red one for cancelation. By then we should have a good idea of the weather and if a hurricane is heading up the coast we can keep people out of danger. If it is stormy outside and thunderstorms are threathening, I certainly don’t want to be on the summit with my metal pole. I guess in that circumstance it could be a judgement call.

                Post count: 338

                If the weather does look threatening a few days before (hurricane, torrential rains), we will have to decide on a cancelation and post something probably by noon on Friday the 9th. If the weather is iffy (possible showers), we should post a cautionary statement. If the forcast is sunny and beautiful, we will have to post an ecouraging statement :flag: :flag: :flag:

                I guess regardless of the weather we should post something pertaining to it. But hey, the weather is going to be gorgeous just like all of the past years! 😀

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