Forums 2004 FOT48 Information Archive 2004 Signups & Status Signup Confirmation?

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  • Greg
      Post count: 397
      #46914 |

      Okay, so it looks like we’re at 100%. Any thoughts on contacting each signup to confirm they still plan to attend? In the event someone can’t make it but forgot to notify us, we’ll still have time to find an alternate.

        Post count: 759

        @Greg wrote:

        Okay, so it looks like we’re at 100%. Any thoughts on contacting each signup to confirm they still plan to attend? In the event someone can’t make it but forgot to notify us, we’ll still have time to find an alternate.

        SilentCal might have a feel o nthis, since he sent the info packets out. Ant thoughts, Cal?

        Also, keep in mind I am making myself available to pick up any last minute cancellations.


          Post count: 759

          Not so fast… Galehead has opened up again.

            Post count: 69

            Pakets? What Packets? HAven’t received a thing :<

              Post count: 759

              @rbhayes wrote:

              Pakets? What Packets? HAven’t received a thing :<

              He sent them to anyone who hasn’t hiked before, or who he didn’t know.

              I’m sure he’ll be happy to send you a copy…


                Post count: 1307

                I sent packets about ten days ago. The veterans of this event did not get one. It’s fairly basic knowledge and I’d be happy to send you it via e-mail if you’d like one. Maybe I should have sent them to everyone. My Bad. I’ll make up for it at the Mooseland. I Promise! I have recieved some feedback back, but it mostly entails the tally for the Mooseland Grill. Would it be intrusive to ask if people that signed up are still attending? I don’t know. The packet does mention our need to know if someone should cancel.

                  Post count: 839

                  I think absolutely everyone signed up should get a 1-line reminder plus directions to the Mooseland.

                    Post count: 1307

                    I sent out packets again to those that had recently signed up. In Hindsight, I should have included directions to the Mooseland Grill, but I did mention it was in Twin Mt.

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