Forums 2017 Flags on the 48 2017 Sign Ups and Status To all Peak Coordinators

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  • SilentCal
      Post count: 1307
      #61432 |

      1. If you have not posted your trip plans in the “Trips and Routes” folder, please make an effort to do so. Several hikers wish to offer assistance and coming together to make this a group effort is what the memorial is all about. There is also a tab on the sign in page to email all those on your peak.

      2. Please keep tabs on the weather. While Hurricane Irma may steer clear, it may still have an impact with wind.

      3. Test your flagpole assemblies if you can. Can it withstand brisk winds? Do you have guy lines to stabilize it?

      4. Remember, it is a memorial hike. Many hikers may question why the flag is there. Just explain the memorial and maybe point out another flag that may be visible on another peak.

        Post count: 2

        Hi – Signed up to do Hancock but have not heard anything from peak coordinator- Just looking for some info, meet up time, etc….

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by runfast728.
        • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by runfast728.
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