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  • Team Davey
      Post count: 57
      in reply to: South Twin #55177

      The South Twin Route: Gale River, to Garfield Ridge to Twinway.

      The hike up South Twin (4,902′) via the Gale River, Garfield Ridge and Twinway trails is described in the AMC guide as an easy to moderate hike except for the short steep pitch on the Twinway trial just below the South Twin summit (.8 miles). South Twin is an open rocky summit with great views and can be exposed to dangerous winds in bad weather. The hike up is 5.4 miles with an elevation gain of about 3,300 feet and it will take us approximately 3.5 hours to reach the summit. Please be prepared for a number of brook crossings along the way. We would meet around 7:45 AM at the Gale River trail-head (parking lot) located on the Gale River Loop road off of US 3, past Franconia Notch. Also, keep in mind that the hike up and down plus 2 hours flying the flag will take us approximately 9 hours – we should get back to the tail head around 5:30 PM. Please plan accordingly. This should be a nice hike and you will be able to hike at your own pace. (Please note: for those of you who hiked with us last year – the Gale River Loop road is the same road we use last year to get to the Garfield trail-head)

      Meeting; When and Where:

      As in the past, our plan is to meet 7:00 AM Sunday morning at the McDonald’s parking lot in Lincoln and drive to the trail head together. If you want to drive to the trail head directly that’s fine I’ve included directions below. Also, as in the past a number of you have car pooled from the 99 parking lot in Nashua. It would be great if someone could organized this. It takes about an hour and 45 minutes to Lincoln from Nashua. Keep in mine we have to start our hike from the trail-head at 8 AM to get to the summit by noon – please plan accordingly.

      Please remember to pack warm clothes for the summit, water, snacks and lunch. Also a camera ! I will have the flag and poles. Any questions please send me an e-mail or give me a call.


      Getting There:

      McDonald’s parking lot (far end) 7:00 AM:

      McDonald’s parking lot, Lincoln NH, Rt 112,
      Exit 32 off 93 North, Left at end of ramp – McDonald’s is on your right.
      From there we will drive to the Gale River trail head off of Gale River Loop Road.
      (35 minutes) Please keep in mind we need to leave McDonald’s at 7:15 sharp
      so if you want to chat and get coffee please arrive earlier :o).

      Gale River Trail Head directions: Gale River Loop Rd road – 7:45 AM

      The Gale River loop road is the same road we used last year to get to the Garfield trail-head)

      Route 93 North through Franconia Notch Parkway past Cannon Mountain.
      Once you go by Cannon and Echo Lake on your left – take exit 35; Route 3 North,
      Look for 2nd Gale River Loop road on your right (after you go over a bridge). Follow this
      dirt road, take a right at the fork. The trail head is on your left.

      If you get lost you can try my cell number, 603.305.7921 or Brian’s at 603.289.5374

      Team Davey
        Post count: 57
        in reply to: Garfield #54830

        Mt. Garfield via the Garfield trail and Garfield ridge trail:

        The hike up Mount Garfield (4,500′) via the Garfield trail and Garfield Ridge trail is described in the AMC guide as an easy to moderate hike except for the short steep pitch on the Garfield Ridge trial just below the summit. Mount Garfield is an open rocky summit with great views and can be exposed to dangerous winds in bad weather. The hike up is 5.0 miles with an elevation gain of about 3,000 feet and it will take us approximately 4 hours to reach the summit. Please be prepared for a number of brook crossings along the way. We would meet around 7:45 at the Garfield trail-head (parking lot) located on the Gale River Loop road off of US 3, past Franconia Notch. Also, keep in mind that the hike up and down plus 2 hours flying the flag will take us approximately 10 hours – we should get back to the tail head around 6 PM. Please plan accordingly. This should be a nice hike and you will be able to hike at your own pace.

        As in the past, our plan is to meet 7 AM Sunday morning at the McDonald’s parking lot in Lincoln and drive to the trail head together. If you want to drive to the trail head directly that’s fine I’ve included directions below. Also, as in the past a number of you have car pooled from the 99 parking lot in Nashua. Maybe someone can organized that. It takes about an hour and 45 minutes to Lincoln form Nashua. Keep in mine we have to start our hike from the trail-head at 8 AM to get to the summit by noon – please plan accordingly.

        Please remember to pack warm clothes for the summit, water, snacks and lunch. I will have the flag and poles. Any questions please send me an e-mail or give me a call.

        McDonald’s parking lot (far end) 7 AM:

        McDonald’s parking lot, Lincoln NH, Rt 112, 7:00 AM, Sunday Sept. 11.
        Exit 32 off 93 North, Left at end of ramp – McDonalds is on your right.
        From there we will drive to the Garfield trail head off of Gale River Road.
        (35 minutes) Please keep in mind we need to leave McDonalds at 7:10 sharp
        so if you want to get coffee arrive earlier.

        Garfield Trail Head directions: Gale River Loop Rd road – 7:45 AM

        Route 93 North through Franconia Notch Parkway past Cannon Mountain.
        Once you go by Cannon and Echo Lake on your left – take exit 35; Route 3 North,
        Look for Gale River Loop road on your right. Avoid a right fork (?) follow road
        1.2 miles then swing left and cross a bridge to parking lot on right. This is a loop
        road so there will be two rights off on US 3. If you get to Haystack Road you’ve
        gone to far.

        If you get lost you can try my cell number, 603.305.7921 or Brian’s at 603.289.5374.

        Team Davey
          Post count: 57
          in reply to: Mt Willey #54540

          We will be meeting at the Ethan Pond trail head off Rt 302 – at 8:15

          Team Davey
            Post count: 57
            in reply to: Publicity #54290

            By Laura Schweizer/ correspondent
            GateHouse News Service
            Posted Sep 24, 2009 @ 11:31 AM

            Chelmsford — As a patriotic act, tribute and display of sympathy for lives lost in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Chelmsford native Gregg Sullivan climbed 4,050 feet up Mount Jackson in New Hampshire. He was there as part of The Flags on the 48, a memorial hike to raise 48 American flags on the summits of New Hampshire’s highest peaks, all having an elevation of more than 4,000 feet.

            Sullivan was looking for a memorable way to express his sorrow for victims and their families, some of whom he knew.

            “Having left my athletic years far behind, the steep vertical ascent was more challenging for me than for the other hikers in my group, but the shared stories about 9-11, along with my own memories, fueled my determination to get to the top and not fall behind, even when others were picking up the pace,” he said.

            The Flags on the 48 began as a grassroots effort on Sept. 15th, 2001, when six hikers climbed Mount Liberty and flew an American flag at the summit as a tribute to the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

            Now, each year, on or about Sept. 11, hikers ascend the 48 mountains, aiming to arrive at the summit by noon. From noon until 2 p.m., the flags are flown. From some vantage points, multiple flags are visible along a ridge dotted with big peaks .

            Hikers sign up for the mountain they want to climb on the web site Up to ten hikers can sign up for each peak. To lead a group as a peak coordinator requires being the first person to sign up for a particular peak. Peak coordinators are responsible for leading the group of hikers, disseminating information, coordinating meeting times, locations, supplying the flag and necessary rigging. Three peaks — Cannon, Washington and Wildcat — are transportation accessible and designated for non-hikers.

            Sullivan was one of 13 to participate in the eight-hour round trip hike up Mount Jackson. According to Sullivan, it didn’t take long for the hikers to bond, having a shared sense of purpose. This feeling of camaraderie among hikers is described by Mount Jackson’s peak coordinator, David Cormier of Nashua, N.H. in his trip report. “We reached the summit; you could almost feel everyone’s heart pounding with both exhaustion and patriotic spirit in anticipation of our tribute to fallen heroes of 9-11. Feeling the enormity of the remembrance of what was lost, we assembled and raised our American flag in honor the thousands of men, woman and children that perished that day. Cormier then hung a list of names of 9-11 victims on the flagpole.

            Sullivan said, “On the way down, I slowed my pace and looked forward to the side trails to catch the views. It was such an exhilarating experience; I did not feel like hurrying to get to the bottom. I just did not want it to end too quickly.”


            Team Davey
              Post count: 57

              Jackson had a great group at the top……

              Team Davey
                Post count: 57
                in reply to: Jackson #54324

                Thank you all for volunteering to participate in this year’s Flags on the 48 Memorial Hike.

                Just a reminder and update on our hike up Mount Jackson. Our current plan is to start up the trail head at approximately 8:30 AM. It will take us about 3 hours and 10 minutes to get to the summit (there are some steep sections). We’ll spend 2 hours flying the flag from noon until 2 PM. The hike back down to the trail head will take about 2.5 hours. This is a loop hike, so we will be taking a different trail down than we go up. The ascent will take us over Mount Webster (3910′) via the Webster Cliff Trail then to the summit of Mount Jackson (4052′). There are a number of side paths on the way up that lead to some nice ledges (Elephant Head Spur, Bugle Cliff…) that afford excellent views – we’ll take some time to visit these. The descent down will be via Jackson Branch trail out to the trail head.

                We have two alternate meeting places. You can meet us at 7:15, McDonald’s parking lot in Lincoln NH or at 8:15 on US 302, in the parking lot south of the information center (Crawford Depot).
                Let me know what you decide and we’ll be looking for you.

                Below are directions to McDonalds and Crawford Notch Depot.

                Driving directions:

                McDonald’s parking lot 7:15 AM:

                McDonald’s parking lot, Lincoln NH, Rt 112, 7:15 AM, Saturday Sept. 12.
                Exit 32 off 93 North, Left at end of ramp – McDonalds is on your right.
                From there we will drive to the trail head on 302, Crawford Depot.
                (50 minutes)

                Crawford Notch Depot – Rt 302 south parking lot 8:15 AM:
                Route 93 North through Franconia Notch Parkway past Cannon Mountain.
                Once you go by Cannon and Echo Lake on your left – take exit 35; Route 3 North
                At the Junction of 302/115 take right onto 302 south east. Go past Bretton Woods ski area – Crawford Depot/information center on your right.

                Please keep in mind that there are several river crossings that could be difficult at high water. Pack alternate footwear for these crossings such as sandals or water shoes. Also, remember to pack warm cloths for the summit, water, snacks and a lunch. The hike up and down plus 2 hours flying the flags will take us approximately 8 hours. Plan accordingly.

                Call me or send me an e-mail with any questions.


                David Cormier

                Team Davey
                  Post count: 57

                  All-set Thanks….


                  Team Davey
                    Post count: 57


                    I don’t have the “set highlight option” or the “move” option in the pull down menu on North Twin Gallery.

                    Can you help me out.



                    Team Davey
                      Post count: 57


                      I don’t have the “set highlight option” or the “move” option in the pull down menu on North Twin Gallery.

                      Can you help me out.



                      Team Davey
                        Post count: 57
                        in reply to: Mt Galehead #54145

                        David and Craig,

                        Nice Job – your flag was spotted from North Twin glistening in the sun light.

                        Team Davey
                          Post count: 57

                          Will this be the place we will go to sign up for a mountain on the 14th or will there be a separate link on the site?

                          Team Davey
                            Post count: 57


                            All-set I figured it out.


                            Team Davey
                              Post count: 57

                              Hi Chris,

                              Having a problem with edit and sort on the drop down menu. I’ll click on it but it dosn’t put me in either edit or sort mode.


                              Team Davey
                                Post count: 57

                                Directions to Mt Moosilauke, Benton trail, trail head:

                                Route 93 north to exit 32, NH 112, Kancanagus Highway.

                                Right at end of ramp.

                                Straight thru set of lights in N. Woodstock (stay on NH 112)

                                Go approximately 10.4 miles, left onto Tunnel Brook road (no sign)

                                There will be a green historical sign on the left titled “Wildwood”
                                Take an immediate left after this sign onto Tunnel Brook road. If you get
                                to the junction of NH 16 you’re gone to far.

                                Once on Tunnel Brook road:

                                Go over bridge – then go slight left.
                                Pave road turns into dirt/gravel.

                                After 2nd bridge turn left at fork. Trail head will be on left.
                                (2.8 miles from NH 112).

                                We will meet at 8:30

                                Team Davey
                                  Post count: 57

                                  We have changed the start time to 8:30. This will give us more time to get to the trail head and still leave plenty of time to get to the summit by noon.


                                Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)