Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Day Hiking or Base Camping/Backpacking? #48973
While I would have liked to have camped out, I usually always take the second week in September off and tramp around all over the Whites on daytrips from our cabin in Lincoln. (sigh) I envy you guys. Anyone thinking of a friday night BBQ? I could throw some Hamburgs and dogs on the grill for you guys at Lafayette Campground after your drive in. drop me a line.
in reply to: Mooseland Grill Tally #48928We will have two definates from Carrigain. Will arrive around 6-ish. Also last year, people were asked to wear something flag related to distinguish flag-bearers from other patrons. Does this place have an area where a group this size can linger and swap stories? Just curious. See you all there! Just pray for some nice weather! :beer: :beer: :beer:
in reply to: Newspaper Article #48910It really is excellent overview of the the event and would have hit a home run if the web site name had not be screwed up. You did a great job The8re!
in reply to: Post-event gathering #48883I’m game to wherever everyone decides to go. Somewhere central is a good idea to give everyone a chance to make it. Part of the enjoyment of the event last year was meeting everyone afterwards. Not sure exactly how long it will take to get off Carrigain, but count Cathie and myself to being wherever it is.
in reply to: Summit Handouts? #48889I could see where this could and can’t be useful. I think it stirctly depends on which mountain you decide to do. The summits that will have the most use for this are Cannon, Wildcat D and Washington due to the greater access of tourists via a tram or Auto-Road. I think it should all depend on the hiking party as to how they wish to communicate to others who happen by. I plan on laminating the mission statement and attaching it to the pole so people can read to understand more. I also want to have the time to spy around with my binoculars and see some other flags on summits.
in reply to: Post-event gathering #48869Last year, we met up with several other hikers at the Woodstock Inn in North Woodstock for some dinner and beers. Overall I think we had groups from about 10 of the summits show up. We had a good time recounting how the day went and swapped stories of flagpole designs and general reactions towards the event. The Inn was very crowded though, due to the Highland Games that are held that weekend. But this year the Highland Games moved to somewhere else and the crowds should not be as bad. To figure out who was who, someone suggested wearing something flag related. I suppose this could work again. I won’t get there until about 6:30 but not everyone finished hiking at the same time and some people had a ways to drive to get there. It’s too bad you can’t make it Greg. A lot of people asked about you last year and wanted to say thanks for everything that you did. Anyone doing anything the night before. I just may throw a cookout!
in reply to: Time for a press release #48844Mediahound wrote a nice piece last year for the Telegraph. Perhaps that could be one way to go. Any type of press release would have to mention the possible hazards of hiking (Foul weather, getting lost). We would not anyone to have a bad experience doing this by getting in way over their heads. Encourage small groups and LNT. Hopefully we can get full coverage and the weather cooperates.
in reply to: Signups: 31%!!! (2003) #48839Besides the Mountains and Molehills page on the AMC site, has there been any other input to other hiking sites?? i.e. VVFT, or backpacker or anything else?
in reply to: Signups: 31%!!! (2003) #48838I just dropped a note to everyone who signed up last year (minus those who already signed up). I thanked them for their help last year and thanked them for sending photos to the image gallery as well. I put a link to the main Flags site in the email and asked if they would be willing to help again this year. Already got several the e-mail’s back as undeliverable but hopefully we can get word of mouth to spread.
in reply to: Signups: 31%!!! (2003) #48834Has anyone given any thought to dropping an e-mail to all those who signed up last year to see if they are willing to do it again. I would be willing to do this but i just wonder if it is nessacery.
in reply to: Flags Web Site #48816Great Job Frodo!! Does anyone have images from the orginal event in mt. Liberty, that would be kinda nice to add to the image gallery.
Last year I used a ten foot section of electrical conduit as the pole. I screwed in two fisheye screws (measure your flag first!) into the pole and then latched on a flagclip to each fisheye. While hiking,I bungee corded the two clips together to keep them from clanging together. I had Cannon Mt., so i just C-clamped the pole to the side of the tower platform and It worked great. Hiking with the pole was cumbersome in places and i got some really weird glances but I saved the pole and plan to use it again on Carrigain. I am sure PVC pipe does the same job but part of the fun of doing this, is figuring out how to build it and get it to work and stay put among quite possibly some breezy conditions.
in reply to: Flags Web Site #48809On the Q & A section, the date needs to be changed. It has last year’s date that the event was held on. It should be the 13th and not the 14th.
in reply to: Flags on the 48 – 2003??? #48805I agree with Pedxing that this event should be neither Pro or Anti – War. This should be what it was meant to be: A Day of Rememberance and hiking. My idea that we should honor Veterans is kind of personal. My wife is an army brat and her family lost several members to WW II, Korea and Vietnam. I just thought it would be nice to honor those who do the actual fighting to protect the rights and liberties we have. We all have reasons for being a part of this event, whether it be to honor those lost on 9/11, honor veterans, spend time with your family, or just to enjoy the day. Changing the mission statement was just a suggestion. Now that I think of it, it should remain the same to keep the event as pure as possible.
in reply to: Flags on the 48 – 2003??? #48802I am willing to help out in any way i can. I’m not that great with Excel but i could probaly figure out how to work it. I can help with the sign-ups this way and assist in discussions on other websites. I could also e-mail all the people who signed up last year and see if they would like to do this again. I do have one recomendation. Last year’s mission statement was perfect but i think we should add a little something honoring veterans of all wars for their sacrafices in allowing us to do this. P.S. I’d like Carrigain